Here's a
list of people who have played at the BUg. Click on them to find out
more about them.
'Timelines' - Michael Fix, Mark Cryle, Sarah Calderwood | 3 Miles From Texas | Absolutely Scandalous | Acoustic Union String Band. | Adam Christie | Adam Kharita | Adam Ryan. | Adrian Barker and Jeremy Dunlop | Alan Kelly and Steve Cook | Alan Mackey and The Willins | Alanna Eileen | Alex Robinson | Alexander Mills | Alfanant | Alison Mackenzie | Allan Caswell | AmaidĂ | Amala | Amanda Gilmour | Amanda Gilmour and Steve Cook. | Amanda, Rose and Jenny | Amon and Audra | Amsterdam Trade | Anais Campbell | Andrea Baldwin | Andrea Kirwin Trio | Andrew Ellis | Andrew Tham | Andy Copeman | Andy McDonell | Andy McDonell & Tim Devereaux. | Andy Penkow | Andy Penkow & Dan Higgins | Angela Toohey Trio | Angela Toohey. | Angharad Drake. | Anna and Jordan | Anna Smyrk | Anne Infante | Ant McKenna | Antiri | Anything Goes | Apogee | April Maze | Arc Guitar Duo | Archer | Aris. | Ash Perrow | Ask Mary. | Asleep At The Reel | Australian Celtic Women | Avalon Swing | Avalon Swing (old) | Bad Reputation | Barb Fordham | Barb Fordham and Neil Neilsen | Bard for Life | Barleyshakes duo | Baron Field | Bart Thrupp | Bartley's Folly | Beautiful Jim. | Beier•Griffin•Pollak Trio | BellaQuattro. | Biddy Healey | Black Bear Duo | Black Dog | Black Market Tune | Blackboard Night | Bloke’appella | Blue Harmony | Blue Stockings | Bluesy End of Town | Bluetongues | Bob Elliston | Bob Jones | Bobby Longstaff | Bohemian Rogue | Bohemica | Brad Butcher | Break up Party Night | Breaking Hart Benton. | Breakup Party Night. | Breandan Nico | Brendan Talay and Driftwood | Brenna Logan | Brian Brett and Robin Etter-Cleave | Bridget O'Donoghue | Bridget O'Donoghue and Ewan MacKenzie | Brisbane Ukulele Musicians Society | Buddies In Bluegrass. | Bug test band | Burl Ivers | C02 | Cameron Milford | Cameron Milford | Canto Coro Brisbane | Caravelas | Carmel Charlton | Caroline Hammond | Caroline Hammond and Angela Toohey | Caroline Hammond and Brendan St Ledger | Caroline Hammond and Craig Claxton. | Caroline Hammond and Kate B. | Caroline Stalker | Caroline Stalker and Allan Reilly | Castle Hill | Cat Canteri | Ceol Rua | Chad Swaby CD Launch | Chanel Lucas and Jamie Clark | Chanel Lucas and Tom Roberts | Chanel Lucas. | Chloe Hall and Silas Palmer | Choro Brisbane | Christian Rizzalli | Christine Venner-Westaway | Chuck and Chrissy | Ciderhouse | Cigany Weaver | Claire Hastings (Scot.) | Clara Durbidge featuring Chris Hutton | Clare Cowley | Clare Quinn and friends. | Cloudstreet | Colvin Brothers | Concert cancelled | Concert Cancelled due to Brisbane Flooding | Confederation Bridge | Conor Mcdonald with Jan Van Dijk and Benja King | Conspiracy of One | Convergence | Cosmic Honey | Craig Claxton and Mike Barber. | Craig Claxton and the Barbarians | Craig Sinclair | Dallahan (Scot/Ire) | Dan Trayers | Danny Widdicombe | Danny Widdicombe | Dannys band | Darcy Kate | Darkest Blue Almost Black | Dave Burton and friends. | Dave Logan. | Dave Martyn | Dave McGuire | Dave Power and the Freefall | David and John Logan | David Cranes Band. | David Logan’s Band | David Megarrity | David Rovics | Day of Embers | Daylight Moon | Dean Winchester & The Supernatural Band | Deb Bowen-Saunders | Delilah Rose | Dennis Duigan | Diaspora | Diez Cuerdas | Diez Cuerdas and Solange Lipcin | Dog Watch | Don Burnham (USA) | Don Jarmey and Jamie Corfield | Don Jarmey. | Donna Layden | Donna Shepherd | Dreams of Flying | Duncan and Jack | East of West | East West Hot Club | Echoes of Cirque | Elbury | Elias Bartholomeo | Ellinor Khan | Elly Hoyt and Jamie Clark | Emily Maguire | Emma Nixon and Tony Vandermeer | Emma White | Enda Kenny | Enosi | Eric Woodrow | Estampa | Ewan MacKenzie | Ewan MacKenzie and Swing Manouche | Ewan MacKenzie Band | Fallen Angels | Feathertree Band | Felicity Kircher | Fettlers Yard | Fiddlesque | Fiddlesticks | Fire, Grace and Passion | Five Dime Limit | Flaming Accordion Club | Floatin' Feathers | Floyd Family Breakdown | Fly Little Sparrow | Fozzie O'Donnell | Fragelle Urve | Frank & Fearless | Frank Stoové Trio | Fred Graham | Fred Graham & Kevin Higgins. | Friends and Dave Burton | Fund raising blackboard Night 10th April 2012 | Fundraising Night. | Gallie | Gardner Bridge & Dunlop | Gary Shepherd | Geoff Foley | Georgia Delves and Patrick Wilson | Gerry Miller | Gillian Smith | Gina Horswood | Giovanni Porta | Gollagher Ross | Gone Molly | Good Company | Good Tunes Band | Grand Baxter | Great Aunt | Great Aunt | Green Gin Baby | Green Street Project | Greshka | Greshka | Groundspeed | Guitars Galore V | Guy Mansfield | Hailey Calvert | Haystack Mountain Hermits | Heerabella | Helen Rowe and Chris Jack | Helgi Stedman | Helgi Stedman and Fiddlesticks | Hot Club of Park Road | Ian Dearden | Ian Smith and Andy Heron. | Ichabod's Crane | Indigie Femme | Innes Campbell | Innes Campbell and Present Company. | Innes Campbell. | Innessa | Iontach | Irish Band. (Antoin MacGabhann, Mick O’Connor and Tony O’Rourke) | Irish Joe Lynch | Irish Joe Lynch | Irish Joe Lynch and Nicole Murray | Isla Grande | Isle of Skye | It's our Christmas Party! | Jack & Rory | Jack O'Leary | Jaff and Jackie Jefferies | Jaff and Jackie. | Jamie Clark | Jamie Witney | Jan Davis | Jan Wositzky | Jaxonville | Jay Fraser | Jay Turner | JC & The Tree | Jeff Burton | Jelly | Jenny Fitzgibbon | Jeremiah | Jesse McCormack | Jesse Witney | Jessie Lloyd | Jigger | Jigger | Jo Davie | Jodi Martin | Jodi Murtha | John + Alexander. | John and David Logan. | John and Johnny | John Colville and Alan Polley | John Fegan | John Flanagan and Sal Kimber | John Groome and Dreams of Flying | John Hockings and Ewan MacKenzie | John Hockings and Ewan MacKenzie play the songs of Tony McKennariey | John Hogan and Matt James. | John Hogan, David Logan and Suzanne Hibbs. | John Holmberg and Steve Cook | John Logan (The younger one) | John Malcolm | John Reeves Trio | John Reeves, Jan Van Dijk | John Reeves’ Rag Bag Trio | Johnnie Logan | Johnny Jump Up | Johnny Regan's Texas Tribute | Jook Joint Boys | Jordan Brodie | Judy Small Songbirds | Julie Minto | Julie Minto and Geoff Cawardine | Julie Paris | Julie Witney | Jumping Fences | Karen Anderson | Karen Anderson and Ewan Mackenzie | Karen Anderson and Friends | Karen Anderson with some Fortunate Sinners. | Karen Law | Karen Law and Family | Karen Law Band | Karen Law Trio | Karl Priebe | Kat Flowers | Kateena Ryan and Friends | Katie Wighton | Katie Wighton | Katouche | Katrina Lewry and Nick Weinert | Kay Proudlove | Kedron High World Ensemble | Keeping North | Ken Nicol | Keychange | KFB aka Kelly Family Band | Kieran Neary | Kimberley Bowden (accompanied by Dave McGuire) | Kirsch et les Glaçons | KMuSS. | Kristy Apps | Kristy Apps and the Shotgun Shirleys | Kylie Castle | La Vuelta Tango | Lachlan Baldwin | Lachlan Hawkins | Larissa Cross | Last BUg night for 2014. | Latin Waves Duo | Laura Mulcahy | Lauren Crick | Lauren Lucille | Lawrie White | Lazy Sunday | Le Cheile | Le Nuvole | Leah Cotterell | Leah Cotterell and Helen Russell | Leah Cotterell and Jamie Clarke. | Leah Cotterell. | Leigh Harris | Leni Peirano | Liam Campbell | Lil' Son Gregory | Lilah Jane | Lili Kendall | Limerick | Linsey Pollak | Lisa Brennan | Lisa Richards | Little Creatures | Little Secrets | Little Wise | Lizzie Flynn & The Runaway Trains | Lizzie Flynn & The Runaway Trains | Lizzie Flynn and Ella Macrokanis and Band. | Lizzie Flynn and the Reckoning | Louise Isackson. | Luan Baldwin | Lucy Gallant | Luda Kucha | Luke Robinson | Luna Junction. | Madison Violet | Majelen | Mama Juju | Mama Juju and Chuck E | Mama Juju and the Jam Tarts | Mandy Connell | Marcio Bahia (Brazil) with Special Guests | Marcus and Paul | Marcus Storrock | Margaret & Bob Fagan | Mariann Skrede and John Hogan | Marita Mangano | Mark and Joe Cryle | Mark Cryle and Carmel Newman | Mark Cryle and the Civil Union | Mark Cryle and the Redeemers | Mark Dalton and friends. | Mark Davidson | Mark Shortis | Mark Shortis presents: A night of soloists. | Mark Smith Anniversary 4 Pack - Sue Wighton, Mark Cryle, Lizzie Flynn, Dennis Duigan | Mark Ziza | Martine. | Mary Brettell | Mary Brettell and Mick Donnelly | Mash | Matt Hawkins & The Suburban Collective | Matt Kealley & The Salt Ponies | Matt Witney. | Matthew Love | Matty Witney / Dried Spider | Maude Linn and the TearJerkers | Maureen de Waal and John Hogan | Maureen O’Brien | Mayfair Lane | McGuinness and Co. | Megan Cooper | Megan Cooper and The Pretty Pennies. | Meiwa | Melissa Main Duo. | Melody Graves and the Hokum Redemption | Men of Morrow | Mercenary Type | Merryn Smith | Mezzo Mae | Michael Brinkworth | Michael David Thomas | Michael David Thomas | Michael Fix | Michael Fix & Mark Cryle | Michael Hoad | Michael O'Connor | Michael Tully and friends | Mick McHugh | Mick McHugh | Mick Tunny | Mike Barber | Milena Luna | Mira Chorik | Mircha Mangiacotti | Mister Chuck and Missy Chrissy | Mo McMorrow | Monique Clare | Montgomery Church | More Fiddles Than Frocks. | Mundy-Turner | Murphy's Pigs | My Nightingale | Mystery Dogs (Mark Cryle & Richard Evans) | Mzaza | Nadia Sunde. | Nice Verdes | Nick Weinert & Ewan Mackenzie | Nick Weinert and the Gentlemen. | Nicole Murray and friends. | Nigel Wearne | No BUG | No BUg tonight - Xmas break. | Noel Gardner | Noel Gardner and Alex Bridge | Noel Gardner Trio | Noel Gardner, Alex Bridge and Jem Dunlop | Norskiosk | North and Elsewhere | Not a Lemur | Not Dead Yet | O\'Leary and Rizzalli | Old Wave | One Man Eisteddfod | One More Dollar | One Track Pony | Out of Abingdon | Out of Abingdon and the Steve Section | OzManouche Showcase | Pandora | Pandoras Karavan | Para Voce | Passion Vine Hoppers | Pat and the Persons | Pat Kenny | Pat Kenny (old) | Paul Fogarty | Pauline Maudy & Cameron Jones | Pearl | Penny Boys and Andrew Heath | Penny Boys Band | Penny Davies and Roger Ilott | Pepper and the Blues | Peranya Visitchantaragoon & Gareth Mewes | Pete Holmes | Peter McKinney and daughter | Peter Miller | Peter Willey | Phil Monsour | Phil Monsour band | Pine Mountain Cartel | Pirate Bride Retrospective | Pirate Brides | Pixie Jenkins | Pizza Resistance | Planet Clare | Purling Brook | Quartermoon | Queensland Youth Folk Orchestra | Rachel Dilllon | Rachel Witney | Rag Wizard | Raku O'Gaia | Ramblin' Ash Trio | Rebecca Wright and Donald McKay. | Red Mill | RedCrow. | Redland Bluegrass Boys show | Regarding Ruby. | Rhiannon and Monique. | Rhys Owen | Richard Evans | Richard Grainger | River Mountain Riot. | Rob Curtis | Rob McGowan | Rob McGowan and Geoff Sillence | Robbie Stewart and Friends. | Robert "Bomber" Perrier with Dave McGuire | Robert Carl Blank | Robert Delisle | Robert Perrier and Dave McGuire | Robyn Martin | Rocky Towey and friends | Rodrigo Santiago & Camaron De La Vega | Rogue State | Roisin and Brenna Logan | Roisin Logan | Rose Water. | Rose Wintergreen-Arthur | Ross Roache | Rough Red | Ruby Gilbert | Run Rabbit | Rusty and the Saint | Rusty Datsuns | Rusty Pickups | Ryebuck | Ryk Rostron | Sadie and Jay. | Sally Harris | Sallynoggin | Salt Lick n Hicks. | Sam Brookes | Sam Krauser. | Sam Shepherd | Sam Shepherd | Sandy Creek | Santa Taranta duo feat Mario Gulisano (Oi Dipnoi) | Sarah Calderwood | Sarah Calderwood & Paul Brandon | Sarah Calderwoods as yet unnamed band. | Sarah Collyer. | Sarah Deere-Jones and Phil Williams. | Scarlet Gypsy | Scarlett Affection | Scarlett Road | Scenic Tour | Scott Collins | Scott Cook | Scott Cook and Corin Raymond | Scott Cook and Pamela Mae | Scott Cook and The Second Chances | Seamus and the Shamrockers | Seamus Duffy | Sebastion Flynn and Martin Reese | Senior Moments | Shane Fell - the One-Man Street Band | Shellie Morris | Shenzo Gregorio & John Reeves | Sian Evans | Silken Thomas | Silver Lining | Silver Sircus | Simon Wells and Friends | Sissybones | Skinner and Twitch | SKreech Tramps | Sleepy Brunettes | Slim Dime | Slimy Brothers | Smiths & Others Songwriting Group | Snez | Something Else | Something To Sing About. | Songlines | Songwriters in the Round with Alan Kelly | SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL FOLK CONCERT - note venue: Catchment Brewery, West End | Spot the Dog | Starboard Cannons. | Steffy and Juli | Steve Case | Steve Cook | Steve Dorahy & Tim Palmer | Steve Dorahy and the Volunteers | Steve Dorahy, Pat Skinner and Danny Holmes | Steve Dorrington. | Steve Grady | Steve Tyson | Steve Tyson & The Industrious Felons | Steve Tyson and the New Felons | Steve Tyson and the Northern Train Rex | Steve Tyson and the Train Rex | STEVE TYSON with Dave Parnell | Steve Tyson with Ian Shawsmith | Stewie & the Onset | StillHouse Crowd | Stockade Band | Stomperoo | Stoned and Sober | Stranded Assets | Sue Ferrers & Evan Clarry | Sue Ferrers Trio | Sue Ray | Sue Wighton | Sue Wighton and Mary Brettell | Sue Wighton and Ross Roache | Sue Wighton and the Margaritas | Sue Wighton and Wayne Jennings | Sue, Rose and Rebecca | Summer International Artist Special Concert - $20 Entry | Sunas | Sunde & Reeves | Suzy Fish and Ian Smith | Swampfish | Swing Dynamique | Swing Guitars | Swoon | Taraf Tambal | Tawny | Temporary closure of the Bug due to the Coronavirus. | Tennyson King | Tennyson King | TGK | The 'Good Company' Choir | The Acfields | The Andrea Kirwin Trio | The Andrea Soler Band. | The Argonauts | The Baby Boomer Party Band | The Bairn. | The Barleyshakes | The Barrows. | The Beamish Boys | The Bean Project | The Beez - Deta and Rob Rayner | The Bert Duo | The Bessies | The Border Range | The Borough | The Boxties | The Brothers Calling | The Brothers West. | The BUg Cabinet Band | The BUG, Bob Dylan 70th birthday show | The Caroline Hammond Band | The Ceilidh Clan | The Clark Stanley Music Hour. | The Company. | The Daisy Chain Trio | The Delphics | The Dennis Sisters | The Dustbin Hoffmans | The Elderly Brothers | The Fiddle Music of Joe Yates | The Folk Choir | The Full Quid | The Gallilee Three | The Getano Bann Trio | The Goodwills | The Heart Collectors | The Hillbilly Goats | The Honeycreepers | The Hoo Ha Ensemble | The Humbuckin’ Pickups | The Inadequates | The Jam | The Jar | The Jellyman's Daughter | The Jo Davie Band | The John Fegan Band | The John Fegan Band (old) | The John Hogan Quartet | The Johnson Stompers | The Knott Family Band | The Lamplights. | The Larks | The Leaping Lizards. | The Logan Family | The Long Johns | The Mermaids | The Mic Travers Band | The Mike Barber Band | The Mulberry Collective | The Munsterbucks | The Mystery Dogs | The New Johnson Stompers | The Noel Gardner Trio | The O'Brien Trio | The Ocelots (IRL) | The Phil Monsour Band | The Phoncurves. | The Pleasant Coucals | The Poachers | The Pockets. | The Ragtone Ramblers | The Rosannas with Joe Cryle | The Rurals | The Rusty Datsuns. | The Salty Sirens | The Scenic Tour | The Shining Hour | The Stetson Family | The Stowaways | The Strangest Dreamers | The Sunday Bests | The Swamp Penguins | The Swing Beans | The Switch | The Tim Palmer and Julie Witney Duo. | The Trespassers | The Tulca Trio | The View From Madeleine's Couch (trio) | The View From Madeleines Couch | The Weeping Willows | The Westerlies | The Wighton Family | The Willow Seed | The Wish List. | theBlueShamrocks | Thornlands | Those Folk | Those Folk (2) | Those Folk & The Inadequates | Tight Squeeze | Tim and Maggies Cat Stevens Tribute Show | Tim Gaze | Tim Gaze, Craig Claxton and Bridget O'Donoghue. | Tim O’Brien | Tim Palmer | Tim Palmer and the Honkytonk Blues | Tim Scanlan & Mana Okubo | Tim Woodz and the dirty shoes | Tin Star | Toni Pollard & The Rhythm Method | Toni Pollard Band | Tracey Hammell | Tracey Hammell and Nathan George | Tracey Hammell Duo | TradStation | Trio Areasud | Triple Moon | Tristen Bird | Tristen Bird | Tropical Dance Sextet | Twisted Oak | Two Crows | Two's a Crowd. | Tyrone and Lesley | Una Heera | Unsung Heroes | Van Dijk & The Faint Tradition | VENUE CHANGE FOR 7 JANUARY 2025 - The Cave Inn, 47 Balaclava Street, Woolloongabba | Victoriana Gaye | Villanova Irish Ensemble | Vincent Cross | Waiting for Brenda | Warmwaters | Watling and Bates | Wayward Angels | We Suffer For Our Art | Weeping Aunts | West End Bluegrass Hot Club | Wham Bam Boozled | Wheatley & The Undergarments | Whiskey Archive. | Wild Oats | Wildflower Pickers | Wilf Flints night. | Winter Solstice | Winter Wilson | Wolf\'s Tales (Frank Frikker) | Yani. | Yellow Bird | Zardi | Zenekar | Zoe from Earth | Zumpa | | | |