Welcome to Brisbane Unplugged Gigs


Welcome to Brisbane Unplugged Gigs!

Door charge $10
Every Tuesday at New Farm Bowls Club 969 Brunswick St opposite New Farm Park

7.15 pm - Blackboard (3x10minute spots)
8.00 - 8.45 pm - First Act
9.00 - 9.45 pm - Second Act
So bring your instruments and your voices! The blackboard segment will be first in first served. There is a full bar and food is available at reasonable prices.

Next Concert - Tuesday 11 March 2025


Saturday 5 April 2025 - BUgFest - a celebration concert for Brisbane Unplugged Gigs Inc.

Click on the email address to contact the performer, click on their URL to go to their website.
Name: Sarah Calderwood & Paul Brandon
Brief Blurb: About Sarah Calderwood and Paul Brandon Sarah Calderwood is an ARIA nominated singer-songwriter, flute and whistle player who writes about love, loss, not fitting in, vanilla cities, chocolate crushes, redemption, salvation, heartache, heartbreak, happiness and Anne Boleyn. Paul Brandon is an accomplished rhythm guitarist, photographer, writer of books and short stories, wilderness explorer and a certifiable Nemophilist. As one half of renowned Celtic and Americana bands Súnas and RedCrow, Sarah and Paul have toured extensively in Australia and overseas, played at most folk and roots festivals, released four acclaimed albums and drunk more coffee than is medically advised. Often praised for their capacity to sound new and old at once, Sarah and Paul anchor their music in the space where tradition and innovation intertwine.
Website: facebook.com/CalderwoodandBrandon
Email: blackberrylane@icloud.com

Bug Info

For those of you who don't know it the New Farm Bowls Club is on Brunswick St opposite New Farm Park. It has a great atmosphere, food, good parking, public transport, and a bar and a kitchen, open till 8.30pm. Click HERE to see what's coming up in the next few weeks.
Join the mailing list to receive ongoing reminders about upcoming events at the BUg.
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